52 Book Club January 2024 Wrap-up

These are the books I read for the 52 Book Club challenge in January. For each book, I'll tell you what the prompt was and how it fits it. I also decided this year that I wanted to try doing a reading journal just for the 52 Book Club books. I tried doing a reading journal another year and I didn't keep up with it, so I thought limiting it to just the books for the challenge would make it more manageable. The journal I'm using is the Clever Fox reading journal so the reviews are structured with the prompts the journal provides. I did leave out some of the prompts that were like the 'stats' of the book, because I don't think they're that useful for a review. They're useful for a reader, but not that much for someone reading a review.

Fiction About True Crime: Penance by Eliza Clark

Penance by Eliza Clark is a metafiction true crime novel. It follows a struggling true crime writer/tabloid journalist who has decided to start writing a book about a salacious crime. The crime involves three teenage girls who brutally tortured and murdered another teenage girl because either they were jealous of her or they thought she was trying to steal one of their girlfriends. It got little attention at the time it happened, but has now gained new infamy due to podcasts and other true crime media covering it, which has also caused our author to pounce on it.

Reading R.F. Kuang for the First Time: Yellowface, Babel, and The Poppy War

R.F Kuang is a very popular author, but I haven't read anything from her despite owning several of her books. I've heard mostly good things, but also a few bad things that made me hesitant to read her books. She also mostly wrote in a genre I don't read much of anymore, fantasy. This year though, she came out with a non-fantasy book, so I figured this was a good time to give her a shot.